Meetup Description
This coffee social is for critical thinkers who question things. We can discuss any truther topics! So if you want to come have simulating conversations, then you should come!
Want to meet other truthers to talk about anything?
Discussion about current events: Mind control, Globalists, WHO, geo engineering, conventional medicine vs holistic, false flags, etc.
Do you question the news ? Is a lot of it fake news/propaganda? Are we being told the truth? How does the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 affect the news? Are we being made to be in constant fear? Is it about control/ surveillance &/or agendas?
Are small biz suffering the most? Is socialism/communism benefiting? Growing?
Do you wonder why there is lots of inflation and why? Do you wonder why stores are having more food and supply shortages? Should we prep? Should we get into cryptos and precious metals due to inflation?
What is the “Great Reset?” Is the USD as reserve currency (petrodollar) losing its status? Are we moving to cashless society?
Why is censorship increasing?
I will have others coming since I cross post. Bring your fav books, articles, etc.
Meet in an awesome coffee shop (Trails Cafe) in Griffith Park (Ferndell) with lots of trees around. Look for sign that says Meetup or Truther on one of the tables nearby.
2333 Fern Dell Dr., Los Angeles, CA, 90068
RSVPs are closed for this event.
2333 Fern Dell Dr. - Los Angeles