
Fri January 28, 2022    
6:33 pm - 9:33 pm
RSVPs are closed

Meetup Description

Attention All Planets of the Solar Federation. Friday, Get High Day. Virtual Conspiracy Therapy “In The Universal Know Higher Verse” Playstation Party Chat. GREATNESS AWAITS 6:33pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). 23:33 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). I’m back in Lockdown and Snowed in. In what was once the Great White North. So thought I’d borrow the Clubhouse idea from No Agenda of a virtual chat and maybe some games. We’ll be meeting in a private party chat. So please send me a friend request and short message letting me know you’re in for the Know Higher Side Meet Up via PSN.

My PSN user name is CanaduhBlitz (or you can always email your info if you want to canaduhblitz @ yahoo . com ). Reference


RSVPs are closed for this event.