Meetup Description
Alright you Portland area THC motherfuckers B)
My name is Joe Carey! I’m a member of the Milwaukee Metaphysical Society, and I was shocked, stunned, and ASHAMED!! when on the on the 10th of December I found myself asking around at Shanahan’s Pub and Grill – “hey have you hard of this podcast? Hey are you into conspiracies?” and no one, NO ONE! was there because of the THC meetup calendar as I had been. For shame!! I showed up at 7:30 and was there into the evening about 10:30 or so and I was even more drunk that night then I am right now!!
WELL my point is, I shall have my own meeting of THC supporters, I shall invite the Milwaukee Metaphysical Society as well as all fans of truth and conspiracy lovers, and I shall host you all at a dive bar where I am friendly with the staff and so they may support our drunken and conspiratorial ramblings. Let us convene on the 20th on January, I committ to being there from 6-10 and probably later, and let’s meet each other and strengthen our like-minded support network with good vibes, good booze, and good conversation.
And Hey ya’ll. My phone number is 503 816 7122 I’m happy to hear text messages from any and all Portland Metro Area THC fans, don’t hesitate to reach out if you wanna hear from a friendly person 🙂
Cheers, and I hope to see you at the Hidden East on Saturday January 20th!
UPDATES, AWW JEEZ – It’s sadly come to my attention that we are probably not gonna be welcome at the Hidden East after all. Talking to the bartenders a lot more I’ve realized the vibe there is a lot more “fuck you, don’t come here” then I realized the first times I went there. To avoid too much confusion, I’ve found a better place just down the road called Misdemeanor Meadows, 6920 SE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206 – charming name right? Also the dates were changed from 1-20 to 1-21. That was my drunken mistake, it was always meant to be on a Saturday so that I can attend.
6920 SE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR, 97206
RSVPs are closed for this event.
6920 SE 52nd Ave - Portland